I have a Savior who loves me deeply, so much so that he lived a sinless life, underwent a brutal criminal's death,and conquered death and sin by rising from the dead for me and all those who believe and trust Him as their Deliverer. In Him I find my joy and my happiness. I want to live a life that is pleasing to Him and hopefully the thoughts posted in this blog make that desire evident.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Becoming a Blogger

I have now entered the world of blogging.  This has been something I've wanted to do for quite some time, but I was always a little fearful of having people read my thoughts.  This will be good though.  I'd like to think what I put in this blog will be helpful or at least interesting to read for people.  I've been an avid journaler since the age of 14 so it seems that I'm never short of thoughts to write down.

Maybe I should explain the reasoning behind my title.  If you know me at all, you know that Pride and Prejudice is my absolute favorite movie.  I prefer the 6 hour A&E version to the new one, but they are both very good. Any way, in the end of the newer version Elizabeth tells Darcy to only call her Mrs. Darcy when he is perfectly and incandescently happy. And then he calls her Mrs. Darcy over and over again and they kiss and thats the end of the movie.  But I just think that "Perfectly and Incandescently Happy" should be exactly how I should be able to describe my joy in the Lord.  The definition of incandescent is:characterized by ardent emotion or intensity or brilliance.  How wonderful would it be to have such a joy that you just glow with brilliance?  It's like the theme of being a light in a dark world that John mentions in his gospel.  As Christians we shouldn't just go with the flow and do whatever we want whenever we want.  We need to live life with an intentionality to build others up and teach them about the hope they can find in Christ.  That is all for now.


ty said...

Cool! I'm excited you have a blog :) It looks wonderful; I am curious what you used to write your title and who took your profile picture. Both are great. Also, did you know that your sunflower picture was taken close to Fosston?

JaNaeStynsberg said...

Thanks bro! I used picnik to do the title part and the my pic is one of the senior pics Lauren took of me while we were at the fair on the ferris wheel. Glad you like it.

JaNaeStynsberg said...

And no I couldn't remember where the pic was taken. All I remember was that is was on the way home from Bluewater a few years back. You'll have to get some more sunflower pics next time you go to Fosston in sunflower season.

Alyssa Dawn said...

I like.